I'm going to start a new trend. You know, something similar to 'Throwback Thursday?' Only, my new trend will be called, "Throw up Thursday..." Cause, most of my "followers" are moms, with kids, and kids, well, puke. But I won't post puke pictures. I promise. I am an empathy puker. Do you know what that is? It's someone who can literally puke at the sound, site, or SMELL of puke. I have never actually done it, but let me tell you, I've come dangerously close. DANGEROUSLY, close, I say....
So here's to a new, catchy, trend. May it bring all who read it, great pleasure and nausea....
I was up with my husband this morning. Which, if you know how EARLY he gets up, you'll KNOW I was up WAAAAY before the roosters crow....
But my older four have lessons today before band, so they had to be dropped off early (8 AM!!) and my husband and my oldest daughter are going on a high school youth group retreat to Franciscan University this weekend, so I had to stop by our parish and drop off some paper work....
But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Let's go back a few months....to, right around the start of spring...which for many is in March, but for snowland, it's more like end of May, first of June....
Ants....Ants started coming in this spring.
It's not the first time ants have invaded my home. But every year they came, I managed to curb them quickly before it escalated to anything shocking...
You know, like this....
So here's your "Throw up Thursday" report....
My ants are taking over the house.
Ok, maybe not the entire house. But the first floor.
Ok, maybe not the entire first floor, but I swear and promise they're taking over my kitchen AND my living room. And quite frankly, it's unacceptable. I hate ants. I don't toss that word around too lightly, mainly in regards to spiders, snakes, and other non-human critters who try to invade my home. Today? Ants. I hate them. Why on God's green earth are they here? And don't tell me I've invaded their environment because let me tell you, there are enough ants living under my house to supply THE ENTIRE FREAKIN UNIVERSE with enough ants that each of the 10 BILLION humans on this great earth, can have their own set of 1 million, with plenty to spare for the galaxy.... PLENTY...
So starting back in May up until now, I have steadily been noticing an increase of the creepy little *******s. Sorry, I've been hanging around a few New Yorkers that like to drop all kinds of colorful language.
I tried everything. Borax, soaked in sugar water, left on cotton balls. Check. Fail.
Baking soda, lining the entryways of all the doors. Supposedly the little turds eat and blow up. Check. Fail.
Vinager and water, sprayed around the doorways. Same concept. Check. Fail.
Pickle juice. Same concept as vinegar, only smells like I need to eat pickles. Check. Fail.
Chalk, drawn on the floor. Perhaps a primitive attempt at Jesus' instructions for the first sinless person to cross to cast the first stone...... Check. Didn't catch on. They just found another route. Fail.
I'm now on the second to last attempt before I call in the big guns.
I bought that stupid Terro ant bait.
I know, I know, I know.... It's basically the same little 'trick' as my borax and sugar water, cotton ball trick. But for some reason,these nasty little beasts are sending in the first of the lower level of non-essential ants to drink it up. And drink it up they are. By the droves. It's not even putting a dent in my problem. I'm guessing it will perhaps kill 1/2 a million. But when you have 365 bazillion (which is the largest number in the universe according to crazymomma dictionary) it really won't do anything to curtail the growing problem.
Here is a better assessment of my ants right now.....
![]() |
Still makes you wanna barf, doesn't it? |
My next attack will be something I've heard called "Ant Dust." It almost sounds illegal. But I'm holding out hope that they drink enough of the 'Necter of the Ant Gods' to make them disappear at least until next spring.
But I was sending my husband a text about our ant invasion and suddenly it occurred to me what could possibly be happening. He works with bad guys. Ok, not with them, but trying to help catch them...
I'm always looking for ways to help him. (side note here, he doesn't look at my "help" as actual help. He made some comment once about how 'people like you give us way too much work to do when you spot Osama Bin Ladin shopping at Wegmans....' ) I know. So ungrateful.
But it did occur to me. What if?
What if ants are what terrorists are using to infuse fear in people? Then that got me thinking about other things (when I see squirrels, I find it best to sit back, hold on, and wait for it to end....)
What if, we as a people, culture, society, have decided that not much other than a house full of ants creeps us out?
Ok, I'm stretching it a bit. But today I watched a seriously disturbing video online. I'm talking about something that made me SERIOUSLY want to throw up.
I'll post the link....
It's only an 8:51 segment, but it's well worth watching. A senior medical director (who performs abortions herself) is casually talking about procuring baby parts. So casually that she says there are "ways to procure the parts without crushing."
The most disgusting part of it all, is that she uses scientific words for every.single.baby.term. From the baby's head, to the bottom, to his/her neck, to the organs. I presume it's to make it seem as though it's not what it really is. Chopping up baby parts to exhume from the woman's body.
Now, what I find MOST fascinating, if that's even an appropriate word for it, is the matter of fact way the two people under disguise can talk so freely about it. I could never do this. I could never sit there and listen to this woman talk about a human being and dissecting it so casually without tossing all of my cookies...Talk about throw up Thursday....
I know the abortion debate is still (for now) a hot topic. I know there are people out there who still claim it's not a baby even though science has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the baby has it's very own DNA from conception. I know that even now, those who willingly admit that it IS a baby, have still decided it's a 'woman's body and her choice.' Even though, technically speaking, there have been women killed who were pregnant and the person responsible had been charged with a double homicide.
But if this doesn't get even the most staunchly pro-death person up in arms, well, then we really have de-synthesized ourselves from reality.
If this doesn't make you cry in outrage (cause the media is avoiding it like the PLAGUE) than you need to sell your violent video games, cancel your TV subscription, and start watching Lassie and Little House on the Prairie again. Cause it's wrong no matter how you argue it.
I could go on. I could go on and tell you that no one, NO ONE, wants to have an abortion. I could tell you that no one, NO ONE, comes away from an abortion, feeling good about it. I have lost four babies to miscarriage and even had to have a D&C (dilation and curratage) which is what a woman has during first term abortions-early on, which is similar to D&E (dilation evacuation) which generally occurred when the baby was too large to just "scrape from the uterine wall." When I woke from both of my D&C's, I was so overwhelmed with grief I couldn't stop crying. I didn't know why I was so upset. It wasn't until I was talking to a priest about it and he simply said, "you were upset because you're a mom. The minute you conceive a child, you become a mom forever and there was no way for you to save your baby and it broke your heart." Literally, it broke my heart because my physical body understood there was a loss within me.
Women who go through abortions may not feel that intense emotion at first, but they feel different. All the interviews I've ever read, or watched, all the women said the same thing. There was an empty feeling in their hearts they could not explain.
Their bodies knew something was wrong. Even if their hearts and minds didn't. These women, suffer. Sometimes for a very long time. They need our prayers and support and love. And we need to pray for our country. In a lot of ways, but that we will start to look at things that are wrong and immoral as what they are. Wrong and immoral. If we don't stand up for these injustices, who will?
I didn't mean to get off on my squirrel tangent today. I really meant to keep the topic on my ant invasion. But I suppose it was just the hand of the Holy Spirit that I pray for guidance when I blog who put the whole Planned Parenthood debacle in my heart. I had watched it earlier, but decided it was probably best for another blog on another day....
Clearly, God had other plans....
Enjoy your throw up Thursday. And until next Thursday. Well, if I remember to blog next Thursday....may you know the peace only Christ can give you....and may the ants of the Universe, stay far, far, away....
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