So I have to tell you something really funny.
Not that most things in my life aren't funny-but this one is kinda one of those, Oh Crazymomma, you DIDN'T....
I did.
But first I have to preface it with "in the beginning" or you just won't appreciate it as much....
I had a great Sunday. My two older children who are now both in High School, wanted to help the youth group with a car wash. I know, today was day two of crazy icky rainy weather...who has a car wash on days like today? They actually wound up making more money on pity than when the weather is nice, warm and sunny! But I got them to the church to help out and I headed home. I stopped and got myself a cup a joe at Timmy Hoe's (one of my most favorite places next to Wegmans to get coffee) and got back home in time to put the very nearly 5 month old down for a nap. I grabbed my current reading. and laid on the couch with four other adorable girls and spent about two hours just reading with all of them. Even the two year old was reading!
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Three of us reading...overlook the laundry... |
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She was needin' some snuggle time during our reading... |
My girlfriend came over after they went to Mass (yes, I did take all seven to Mass, BY MYSELF last night, so all Y'ALL that say you can't take your 1, 2, 3 little angels to Mass? And I'm SURE I looked way more frazzled cause the two year old decided to do a little strip tease act on the way to the back of church...). She brought me a frozen coffee and some broccoli soup from one of my FAVORITE places, Panera.... Yummmm. She also brought some great conversation and after spending a few days chatting with little people and getting little, and I mean little sleep, any conversation with an adult was refreshing, but my friend and I can usually find tons to laugh about.
But we had a great conversation and we wound up heading over there to eat dinner and visit with another friend of mine and the kids ran around like banshies. Fortunately, nothing was destroyed....I hope....
We got home close to 8 and of course, in true crazy momma fashion, because I want to understand the grass is greener where you water, the baby had quite the specTACULAR blow out. ALL.OVER.THE.CARSEAT. And her clothes. And her backside. And, well, you get my point....
I got her and the tazmanian toddler in the tub and cleaned off in record time. The only problem we had was trying to find the taz toddler a clean pair of pjs, which thankfully I broke my Sunday laundry fast this morning because I needed a few things....
My amazing, super hero husband face timed us and we chatted and all the kids got to see him, well, minus the six year old who apparently had quite the evening because she was passed out cold in bed....snoring....
I sure miss that man and let me tell you something- absence makes the heart grow crazy fonder when you're so in love with someone. My husband and I are just crazy about each other. Just when I think I can't possibly love him anymore than I already do, I just... well....before I get any sappier..............
I was feeling pretty darn good about myself. The hubster was safe, bad guy caught, most of the younger kids were in bed asleep and I was sitting down to peruse Pinterest for two things....
1) food recipes to try with my SIL who is coming for a visit this week and,
2) how to make my blog on my own domain and go super public (yes, I know I'm nuts...)
Then the funny thing happened. As I was sitting there, I swear I heard a gunshot. Now, I've been around guns since before I married my super hero husband. Something like 20 or so would think I would know the sound distinctly.
I sat there a second almost frozen.
Now, not to admit anything more than you already know (if you haven't read my blog about my overactive imagination, now might be a good time....) but I was almost paralyzed with fear because for an ever so brief moment, I thought it was one of those darn criminals that escaped from jail coming with their guns ablazing to kill me....
I warned you.
Then the SECOND gunshot fired.
I kid you not. I grabbed my computer (yes, did I ever tell you about the time my parents house was practically burning to the ground and I grabbed my high school varsity basketball gym bag with my uniform and high tops because I had a game that night???) and ducked down on the ground.
Oh you laugh. Go ahead. But after you've been sleep deprived for days and you're letting your incredible imagination run wild, let's see what scenarios YOU come up with when you hear gunshots down the street.....
I managed to grab my phone and text my neighbor and ask if she heard the sounds, too....
She confirmed for me they were indeed real sounds, but she seemed convinced they were firecrackers....
I almost felt foolish as I laid on the floor with my wine glass and lap top...but decided to snap a photo so the entire world would one day look at this and truly understand just what my poor husband has to deal with on a daily basis and see the reason why the cause for his sainthood should be opened.....
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I think it actually looks kind of cozy....not crazy... |